Meazure - Dimensions and colors of what is displayed on the screen

Meazure is a free tool which allows you either to know the position or the color of a pixel, or to measure a distance or the size (in different units) of an object present on the screen.

Jun 6, 2020 - 21:03
Jun 6, 2020 - 22:21
 0  357
Meazure - Dimensions and colors of what is displayed on the screen
Meazure window
The tool I present here is part of my panoply of personal utilities, those that I install on all my new machines.
There are probably alternatives, and maybe even better ones.
But since it completely meets my needs, I have no reason to go elsewhere to see if the grass is greener and the bits better domesticated.


Meazure™ is a tool that provides information on elements present on your screen:

  • The coordinates of a point
  • The color of a point (RGB, CMYK or HSL formats)
  • The distance between two points
  • The sise of a rectangle
  • The diameter of a cercle
  • The angle between two lines
  • The dimensions of a Windows object (window, button, input field ...)
  • etc

It is certainly not needed every day, but it is always useful to have it available when necessary.

When the display scale is not set to 100% (example, you have a 16 inches 4K screen, but the characters are too small, you have set the display scale to 125% or 150%), Meazure loses the pedals because he continues to believe that he is in the native resolution of the screen. The coordinates it displays are therefore false (among other errors).
But it is possible to configure it to work around this problem:

  • Right click on the executable icon or its shortcut and choose 'Properties'
  • Select the 'Compatibility' tab
  • Click on the button 'Override high DPI scaling behavior'
  • Then check the 'Scaling performed by: Application' checkbox
  • Validate everything

Price : Free
Language : English
Web site :
Download : From the site
Georges Je suis un ingénieur informaticien officiellement à la retraite (mais pas complètement). Mon métier a toujours été une passion. C'est pourquoi je ne me contente pas de me retirer chez moi, à faire pousser des tomates et promener mon chien. Et, soyez sûr que ce n'est pas uniquement parce que je n'ai ni potager, ni chien. Quant à mon chat, heureusement, il est capable de se promener tout seul ! J'ai en fait décidé de garder un pied, voire deux, dans l'informatique. Par conséquent, si jamais vous avez besoin de services de conseil, accompagnement, suivi de projet, formation ou développement, contactez-moi ! Nous discuterons alors de vos besoins ainsi que de mon tarif, puis, peut-être tomberons-nous d'accord afin de collaborer ?